Posted by bert hubert
Tue, 27 Jan 2009 21:56:00 GMT
Hi everybody!
What a day! Remco van Mook and I received a message today that our RFC Draft (full text here) has entered the ‘AUTH48’ stage. This means that it has been assigned a number (RFC 5452!), and that barring meteor strikes or similar things, we are now finally done. Yay!
We spent 2 years and 9 months on this. It felt like even more. I’ve been told the draft has already made a difference in some places - from now on, DNS implementations that have certain bad spoofing behaviour MUST
clean up their act :-)
In short, had this RFC been followed, the whole Kaminsky DNS scare could have been prevented. Do note that the draft is 2 years older than Kaminksy’s discovery. The DNS community should have listened to Dan Bernstein *10* years ago.
Some more thoughts on this subject can be found here. I’m slightly bitter.
As if the RFC weren’t enough excitement for one day, I also released PowerDNS Authoritative Server 2.9.22, the first release of the authoritative server in almost 20 months. Because of this long delay, a lot of effort was spent field testing this release before it ‘went gold’ (to use an expression I really despise).
I sincerely hope we shook out most of the bugs. The PowerDNS community really delivered, and many of our enthusiastic users deployed pre-release code on their significant installations, to make sure everybody else would be able to upgrade with confidence.
Read the whole store here.
Posted in PowerDNS | 3 comments
Posted by bert hubert
Sun, 18 Jan 2009 13:03:00 GMT
This post is about an obscure corner of TCP network programming, a corner
where almost everybody doesn’t quite get what is going on. I used to think I
understood it, but found out last week that I didn’t.
So I decided to trawl the web and consult the experts, promising them to
write up their wisdom once and for all, in hopes that this subject can be
put to rest.
The experts (H. Willstrand, Evgeniy Polyakov, Bill Fink, Ilpo Jarvinen,
and Herbert Xu) responded, and here is my write-up.
Even though I refer a lot to the Linux TCP implementation, the issue
described is not Linux-specific, and can occur on any operating system.
What is the issue?
Sometimes, we have to send an unknown amount of data from one location to
another. TCP, the reliable Transmission Control Protocol, sounds like it is
exactly what we need. From the Linux tcp(7) manpage:
“TCP provides a reliable, stream-oriented, full-duplex
connection between two sockets on top of ip(7), for both v4 and v6
versions. TCP guarantees that the data arrives in order and
retransmits lost packets. It generates and checks a per-packet
checksum to catch transmission errors.”
However, when we naively use TCP to just send the data we need to transmit,
it often fails to do what we want - with the final kilobytes or sometimes
megabytes of data transmitted never arriving.
Let’s say we run the following two programs on two POSIX compliant operating
systems, with the intention of sending 1 million bytes from program A to
program B (programs can be found here):
sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
connect(sock, &remote, sizeof(remote));
write(sock, buffer, 1000000); // returns 1000000
int sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
bind(sock, &local, sizeof(local));
listen(sock, 128);
int client=accept(sock, &local, locallen);
write(client, "220 Welcome\r\n", 13);
int bytesRead=0, res;
for(;;) {
res = read(client, buffer, 4096);
if(res < 0) {
bytesRead += res;
printf("%d\n", bytesRead);
Quiz question - what will program B print on completion?
A) 1000000
B) something less than 1000000
C) it will exit reporting an error
D) could be any of the above
The right answer, sadly, is ‘D’. But how could this happen? Program A
reported that all data had been sent correctly!
What is going on
Sending data over a TCP socket really does not offer the same ‘it hit the
disk’ semantics as writing to a normal file does (if you remember to call
In fact, all a successful write() in the TCP world means is that the kernel
has accepted your data, and will now try to transmit it in its own sweet
time. Even when the kernel feels that the packets carrying your data have
been sent, in reality, they’ve only been handed off to the network adapter,
which might actually even send the packets when it feels like it.
From that point on, the data will traverse many such adapters and queues
over the network, until it arrives at the remote host. The kernel there will
acknowledge the data on receipt, and if the process that owns the socket is
actually paying attention and trying to read from it, the data will finally
have arrived at the application, and in filesystem speak, ‘hit the disk’.
Note that the acknowledgment sent out only means the kernel saw the data -
it does not mean the application did!
OK, I get all that, but why didn’t all data arrive in the example above?
When we issue a close() on a TCP/IP socket, depending on the circumstances,
the kernel may do exactly that: close down the socket, and with it the
TCP/IP connection that goes with it.
And this does in fact happen - even though some of your data was still
waiting to be sent, or had been sent but not acknowledged: the kernel can
close the whole connection.
This issue has led to a large number of postings on mailing lists, Usenet and
fora, and these all quickly zero in on the SO_LINGER socket option, which
appears to have been written with just this issue in mind:
“When enabled, a close(2) or shutdown(2) will not return until all
queued messages for the socket have been successfully sent or the
linger timeout has been reached. Otherwise, the call returns
immediately and the closing is done in the background. When the
socket is closed as part of exit(2), it always lingers in the
So, we set this option, rerun our program. And it still does not work, not
all our million bytes arrive.
How come?
It turns out that in this case, section of RFC 1122 tells us that a
close() with any pending readable data could lead to an immediate reset
being sent.
“A host MAY implement a ‘half-duplex’ TCP close sequence, so that an
application that has called CLOSE cannot continue to read data from
the connection. If such a host issues a CLOSE call while received
data is still pending in TCP, or if new data is received after
CLOSE is called, its TCP SHOULD send a RST to show that data was
And in our case, we have such data pending: the “220 Welcome\r\n” we
transmitted in program B, but never read in program A!
If that line has not been sent by program B, it is most likely that all our
data would have arrived correctly.
So, if we read that data first, and LINGER, are we good to go?
Not really. The close() call really does not convey what we are trying to
tell the kernel: please close the connection after sending all the data I
submitted through write().
Luckily, the system call shutdown() is available, which tells the kernel
exactly this. However, it alone is not enough. When shutdown() returns, we
still have no indication that everything was received by program B.
What we can do however is issue a shutdown(), which will lead to a FIN
packet being sent to program B. Program B in turn will close down its
socket, and we can detect this from program A: a subsequent read() will
return 0.
Program A now becomes:
sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
connect(sock, &remote, sizeof(remote));
write(sock, buffer, 1000000); // returns 1000000
shutdown(sock, SHUT_WR);
for(;;) {
res=read(sock, buffer, 4000);
if(res < 0) {
So is this perfection?
Well.. If we look at the HTTP protocol, there data is usually sent with
length information included, either at the beginning of an HTTP response, or
in the course of transmitting information (so called ‘chunked’ mode).
And they do this for a reason. Only in this way can the receiving end be
sure it received all information that it was sent.
Using the shutdown() technique above really only tells us that the remote
closed the connection. It does not actually guarantee that all data was
received correctly by program B.
The best advice is to send length information, and to have the remote
program actively acknowledge that all data was received.
This only works if you have the ability to choose your own protocol, of
What else can be done?
If you need to deliver streaming data to a ‘stupid TCP/IP hole in the wall’,
as I’ve had to do a number of times, it may be impossible to follow the sage
advice above about sending length information, and getting acknowledgments.
In such cases, it may not be good enough to accept the closing of the
receiving side of the socket as an indication that everything arrived.
Luckily, it turns out that Linux keeps track of the amount of unacknowledged
data, which can be queried using the SIOCOUTQ ioctl(). Once we see this
number hit 0, we can be reasonably sure our data reached at least the remote
operating system.
Unlike the shutdown() technique described above, SIOCOUTQ appears to be
Linux-specific. Updates for other operating systems are welcome.
The sample code contains an example of how to use SIOCOUTQ.
But how come it ‘just worked’ lots of times!
As long as you have no unread pending data, the star and moon are aligned
correctly, your operating system is of a certain version, you may remain
blissfully unimpacted by the story above, and things will quite often ‘just
work’. But don’t count on it.
Some notes on non-blocking sockets
Volumes of communications have been devoted the the intricacies of SO_LINGER
versus non-blocking (O_NONBLOCK) sockets. From what I can tell, the final
word is: don’t do it. Rely on the shutdown()-followed-by-read()-eof
technique instead. Using the appropriate calls to poll/epoll/select(), of
A few words on the Linux sendfile() and splice() system calls
It should also be noted that the Linux system calls sendfile() and splice()
hit a spot in between - these usually manage to deliver the contents of the
file to be sent, even if you immediately call close() after they return.
This has to do with the fact that splice() (on which sendfile() is based)
can only safely return after all packets have hit the TCP stack since it is
zero copy, and can’t very well change its behaviour if you modify a file
after the call returns!
Please note that the functions do not wait until all the data has been acknowledged, it only waits until it has been sent.
Posted in Linux, Netherlabs | 3 comments