Progress with PowerDNS on Solaris 10, other things

Posted by bert hubert Fri, 24 Mar 2006 15:01:00 GMT

I’ve managed to make the T2000 a comfortable place to live in, for a Linux person like me. John Levon of Sun pointed me towards Blastwave, an OpenSolaris community site that adds apt-get like abilities.

I fixed up the few remaining problems people faced compiling and using PowerDNS on Solaris, it now works out of he box.

Generally, compared to earlier revisions, things tend to ‘just work’ a lot more on Solaris 10, but there is yet a way to go. For example, a default install won’t allow you to generate new home directories, as /home is under control of an automounter.

But what is very good is that even the notoriously difficult programs autoconf, automake and libtool all function as intended. This is of vital importance for when actually having Solaris as your main development platform for Open Source, as these tools generate the ubiquitous ./configure scripts for most projects.

Casper Dik pointed me to the proper place for UltraSPARC T1 (aka Niagara) performance documents, I think I see how I can make the various PowerDNS components shine on this architecture.

The converse of this is that you actually need to work at making this new chip scream - quite a number of unmodified programs do not benefit from all the additional cores and strands.

For the recursor, I can probably get away with removing my beloved MTasker and instead use pthreads or Solaris native threads.

For the bind2 authoritive mode, more work will be needed, where I will be looking at finegrained locking to make zone loading fast.

In other news, tonight I continued my quest to make perfect pizza dough, but I’m still not there. I think the flour available in shops here is not entirely of the right kind. This in an attempt to add a ‘human interest’ angle to my new blog :-)

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