Updated blog software, final PowerDNS tweaks

Posted by bert hubert Sun, 26 Mar 2006 14:05:00 GMT

Ok, apologies to the people that syndicate me, the URL might have changed. The timestamps on the older posts are also a bit dodgy, and the 2 comments have definitely vanished.

I used to be into ‘layout’ a “lot” so I hope you appreciate the improved appearance of this blog, including the dreaded smart quotes.

Ok, onto the real content.


You may recall the stunning bug I wrote about yesterday, and how I solved it. Later that day I thought of an old adage “A bug is never alone”, and indeed, it turned out that the negative-cache, where we store records that auhoritatively don’t exist, was also cleaned in reverse, whereby we continuously removed all new entries.

Fixing that bug raised the steady-state cache hitrate from 80% to 90%, which doesn’t sound like a lot, but means the amount of network traffic generated to the Internet has halved.

I did do something controversial and limited this negative caching to at most one hour. I’m pretty sure this is what people want, and it saves heaps of memory anyhow. After an hour PowerDNS will, on getting a new query, verify if the domain name or record exists again. Sue me.

I also moved the negative cache to Boost::multi_index_container, I can’t heap enough praise on this container. It slices, it dices.

I also used it to implement user initiated cache deletion, you can now use rec_control wipe-cache blog.netherlabs.nl to remove this beloved blog from your cache, in case it contained bad content. To study your cache, use rec_control dump-cache filename.


No pizza news today. I’m trying to think of the human angle of this blog but there is not a lot to report :-)

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